When there are more and more blogs, it is necessary to enable search function in blog to make it easy to find the right blog. There is no search function in pelican by default. Usually there are two way to add search function.
install spyde in windows os
install spyre in windows os for data dashboard
Manually Install libs in Windows
manually install python libraries in windows evviroment
Change Ubuntu Resolution in VMWARE
install R, Rstudio and Shiny on Ubuntu
install R, RStudio and Shiny on ununtu and to run python in R through rPython library
python class (1): class, object, attribute and method
a simple introduction to python class, object, attribute and method
python class (2): inheritance
a simple introduction to python class inheritance
python class (3): private variable, __var or _var
python的私有变量,不能从类之外定义或者访问. _var
和 __var
python class (4): 只允许添加给定的属性 __slots__
限制class的属性,只允许添加被许可的属性 (slots)
python class (5): 使用装饰器@property来设定属性
python的装饰器(decorator) @property