2019-03-09 Week 10
Shares From Internet
- How to Develop a Word Embedding Model for Predicting Movie Review Sentiment: introduce how to do word embedding in keras and gensim and compare their performance on the movie review data.
- Ludwig: a toolbox from uber that allows you to train and test deep learning models without ...
2019-03-02 Week 9
Shares From Internet
- Visualizing gradient descent in action An ineresting project to show how learning rate will affect the converge. If LR is too small, it will converge very slowly. If LR is too big(like 1.01), it will diverge.
- How to add new embeddings for unknown words in ...
How to keep alive ssh sessions
1. On AWS to connect with ServerAliveInterval=100
ssh -i ~/.ssh/xxxx.pem ubuntu@hithere.amazonaws.com -o ServerAliveInterval=100
2. General Setup
Many NAT firewalls time out idle sessions after a certain period of time to keep their trunks clean. Sometimes the interval between session drops is 24 hours ...
2019-02-23 Week 8
Shares From Internet
- Handling Categorical Data in Python
- Categorical features may have a very large number of levels, known as high cardinality, (for example, cities or URLs), where most of the levels appear in a relatively small number of instances.
- Many machine learning models, such as regression or SVM or ...
2019-02-16 Week 7
Shares From Internet
- What Kagglers are using for Text Classification
- What Kagglers Are Using for Text Classification | Hacker News
- 字词的向量表示法 | TensorFlow
- Sutton & Barto Book: Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
- GitHub - sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit: Some useful websites for programmers.
- memory ram usage in linux
bash echo "USER RSS PROCS" ; echo "-------------------- -------- -----" ; ps hax -o ...
Install nvidia driver on ubuntu, install fastai and pytorch
summary of how to install nvidia drivers on ubuntu for deep learning.
2019-02-09 Week 6
Shares From Internet
- 如何配置一台适用于深度学习的工作站?
- 配置深度学习主机与环境(TensorFlow+1080Ti):(四)基于Anaconda的TensorFlow安装
- 不踩坑:Ubuntu下安装TensorFlow的最简单方法(无需手动安装CUDA和cuDNN 远程运行Jupyter Notebook
- DQN实战篇1 从零开始安装Ubuntu, Cuda, Cudnn, Tensorflow, OpenAI Gym
- 服务器配置多版本CUDA、CUdnn(不同Linux账户使用不同CUDA、CUdnn版本)
- Ubuntu16.04+Ananconda3+CUDA+CUDNN+Tensorflow-gpu配置教程
- Build TensorFlow-GPU with CUDA 9.1 MKL and Anaconda Python 3.6 using a Docker Container
- 到底什么是生成式对抗网络GAN?
# Dockerfile to ...
2019-02-02 Week 5
Shares From Internet
- AWS Activating TensorFlow
- Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet
- GAN by Example using Keras on Tensorflow Backend
- How to Implement the Conv1DTranspose in keras?
- Advanced-Deep-Learning-with-Keras
- 人人都能看懂的LSTM
- Step-by-step to LSTM: 解析LSTM神经网络设计原理
- What's causing the vanishing gradient problem? Unstable gradients in deep neural nets
- 人人都能看懂的GRU
- GANs from Scratch 1: A deep ...
leetcode 312. Burst Balloons
题目大意 给定n个气球,每个气球有一个数字,用数组nums来表示n个气球上面的数字。如果气球i被打破,那么你会得到nums[left] * nums[i] * nums[right].这里left和right分别为气球i的左右两边的气球。打破所有的气球后把所有的数字相加,求解怎么打破这些气球使得最后得到的数字最大。