
Keep Looking, Don't Settle

best subset regression in python

best subset就是对所有的自变量可能的组合都作为一个模型,然后根据最优(对线性回归,比如用R^2, 对logistic regression,使用AUC或者其他标准 )选择适当的模型。


不好的地方是计算量会非常大,n个变量需要运行\(2^n - 1\)个模型。

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import urllib
from itertools import chain, combinations
import statsmodels.api as sm

# read in data from UCLA ATS
f = urllib.urlopen('').readlines()

# ignore the sas codes and clean data to pandas DataFrame
ericksen = pd.DataFrame([x.replace('\r\n', '').split() for x in f[19:85]])
ericksen.columns = 'area perc_min crimrate poverty diffeng hsgrad housing city countprc undcount'.split()

# convert to numeric values
for i in ericksen.columns[1:]:
    ericksen['num_'+i] = ericksen[i] .map(lambda x: float(x) + 0.0)

def best_subset(X, y):
    n_features = X.shape[1]
    subsets = chain.from_iterable(combinations(xrange(n_features), k+1) for k in xrange(n_features))
    best_score = -np.inf
    best_subset = None
    for subset in subsets:
        lin_reg = sm.OLS(y, X.iloc[:, subset]).fit()
        score = lin_reg.rsquared_adj
        if score > best_score:
            best_score, best_subset = score, subset
    return best_subset, best_score

print ericksen.head(5)

X = ericksen.ix[:, 10:18]
y = ericksen.ix[:, 18]
           area perc_min crimrate poverty diffeng hsgrad housing city  \
0       Alabama     26.1       49    18.9     0.2   43.5     7.6    0   
1        Alaska      5.7       62    10.7     1.7   17.5    23.6    0   
2       Arizona     18.9       81    13.2     3.2   27.6     8.1    0   
3      Arkansas     16.9       38    19.0     0.2   44.5     7.0    0   
4  California_R     24.3       73    10.4     5.0   26.0    11.8    0

  countprc undcount  num_perc_min  num_crimrate  num_poverty  num_diffeng  \
0        0    -0.04          26.1            49         18.9          0.2   
1      100     3.35           5.7            62         10.7          1.7   
2       18     2.48          18.9            81         13.2          3.2   
3        0    -0.74          16.9            38         19.0          0.2   
4        4     3.60          24.3            73         10.4          5.0

   num_hsgrad  num_housing  num_city  num_countprc  num_undcount  
0        43.5          7.6         0             0         -0.04  
1        17.5         23.6         0           100          3.35  
2        27.6          8.1         0            18          2.48  
3        44.5          7.0         0             0         -0.74  
4        26.0         11.8         0             4          3.60
    best_subset(X, y)

    # Out[538]: ((0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7), 0.79016743408525125)
