pydata by Huiming

Keep Looking, Don't Settle

install tensorflow/theano on conda envirement

anaconda install tensorflow

  1. from Anaconda installation
conda create -n tensorflow python=2.7
source activate tensorflow
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow
source deactivate
  1. install jupyter notebook, from stackoverflow
source activate tensorflow
conda install ipython
conda install notebook ipykernel
jupyter notebook

Installation Quickstart: TensorFlow, Anaconda, Jupyter

anaconda install theano

under tensorflow enviroment, install theano

source activate tensorflow
pip install git+git://
source deactivate

anaconda install keras

under tensorflow enviroment, install keras

source activate tensorflow
pip install git+git://
source deactivate

After this, tensorflow and theano is ready for call. However, this is in the anaconda virtual enviroment, so it will require installing pandas in this enviroment.