
Keep Looking, Don't Settle

Numpy Introduction 03

0. Introduction

Continue to introduce a little about numpy following Numpy Introduction 01 and Numpy Introduction 02

  1. np.ndarray basics
  2. np.ndarray structure
  3. slicing, masking, fancy indexing and broadcasting

1. 矩阵的元素,维度和内存大小

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import numpy as np

x=  np.arange(2*3*2*4).reshape(2,3,2,4).astype('int32')
print("type of x is : " + str(type(x)))
type of x is : <type 'numpy.ndarray'>
# 不同的的dtype占用的内存大小不一样
print("dtype of x is : "+ str(x.dtype))
dtype of x is : int32
# x的维数,是一个4维的矩阵
print("x是一个4维矩阵,所以维度是: " + str(x.ndim))
x是一个4维矩阵,所以维度是: 4
print("x是一个4维矩阵,每个维度上item的个数为: " + str(x.shape))
x是一个4维矩阵,每个维度上item的个数为: (2, 3, 2, 4)
# size表示总共有多少个元素(所有维度上shape的和)
print("x总共有多少个item: " + str(x.size) + ": = 2x3x2x4")
x总共有多少个item: 48: = 2x3x2x4
# 每一个item占用的内存的大小,int16是2bytes,int32是4bytes,float64是8bytes
print("每一个item占用的内存的大小: " + str(x.itemsize) + " bytes")
每一个item占用的内存的大小: 4 bytes
# np.ndarray所有item占用的总共内存
print("所有item占用的总共内存: " + str(x.nbytes) + " bytes")
所有item占用的总共内存: 192 bytes
(96, 32, 16, 4)

2. 矩阵的排列

numpy采用和C, java相似的方法:

  1. 首先横着排(列优先,所以任何时候列总是最后一个维度,即-1维总是列),np.arange(4)是一个行向量,占据4个列,shape为(4, ), shape[-1] = 4

  2. 增加一个维度以后变成2维的,增加的维度在shape上的表现是加在左边,在矩阵上的表现是增加了行. np.arange(2*4).reshape(2,4)是一个2行4列的矩阵。每一行在内存里面是相连的

  3. 再增加一个维度以后变长3维的,增加的维度在shape上的表现是加在最左边,在矩阵上的表现是增加了depth. np.arange(3*2*4).reshape(3, 2, 4)是depth为3,每个depth上是一个2行4列的矩阵

  4. 4d的时候,可以假想basic unit是3d的cube,然后把它们连成一行排起来,变成4d

  5. 同样,5d可以认为是在4d的基础上向下增加行,6d可以认为再增加depth,等等

总之:np.ndarray 的-1维度(最后一个维度)总是column,倒数第二个维度是行,倒数第三个维度是depth,

2.1. First will occupy columns(one dimension)

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array([0, 1, 2, 3])
2.2. second will be row (down, two dimensions)

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np.arange(8).reshape(2, 4)
array([[0, 1, 2, 3],
       [4, 5, 6, 7]])
2.3. third will be depth direction (3 dimensions, 3 arrays each shape is 2x4)

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np.arange(24).reshape(3, 2, 4)
array([[[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
        [ 4,  5,  6,  7]],

       [[ 8,  9, 10, 11],
        [12, 13, 14, 15]],

       [[16, 17, 18, 19],
        [20, 21, 22, 23]]])
2. 4. forth will be column blocks, each block is 3 dimension arrays

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np.arange(48).reshape(2, 3, 2, 4)
array([[[[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
         [ 4,  5,  6,  7]],

        [[ 8,  9, 10, 11],
         [12, 13, 14, 15]],

        [[16, 17, 18, 19],
         [20, 21, 22, 23]]],

       [[[24, 25, 26, 27],
         [28, 29, 30, 31]],

        [[32, 33, 34, 35],
         [36, 37, 38, 39]],

        [[40, 41, 42, 43],
         [44, 45, 46, 47]]]])

3. Slicing, Masking, Fancy Indexing and Broadcasting

  1. slicing: like slicing in python list, e.g. x[3:6]. Slicing is a reference, not a copy.
  2. masking: use boolean array indexing, e.g. x[x > 2]
  3. fancy indexing: pass a list/array of indices, x[[1,3,5]]
  4. broadcasting: a set of rules for array calculation with different dimension or shape size. broadcasting可以避免某些for循环,从而大大增加计算速度。

Broadcasting is a set of rules by which ufuncs operate on arrays of different sizes and/or dimensions.

Broadcasting rules: 1. 如果两个array的ndim不一样,那么会在ndim比较小的array左边垫上1(类似newaxis)直到两个array的ndim一样 2. 两个array在所有的dim上必须满足:要么在每一维度上size相同,要么size为1(size=1的array在其维度上会类似copy的方式把它展开到跟另一个矩阵相同size) 3. broadcasting得到的array的shape是原来两个矩阵在各个维度上的shape的最大值

3.1. An example of Broadcasting

使用broadcasting的一个例子,nearest neighbour: x0是一个100x3的矩阵,表示100个点,现在要求对这100个点里面的每一个给定的点,另外99个点里面哪个点跟这个给定的点欧氏距离最近。

x0 = np.random.normal(0, 1, 300).reshape(100, 3)
(100, 3)


首先把100x3的矩阵reshape成100x1x3(e.g., x0.reshape(100, 1, 3)),变成一个depth为100,一行3列的矩阵。这个矩阵减去原来100行3列的矩阵,根据broadcasting的规则,它会这么做:

  1. 首先把ndim较小的矩阵在最左边增加一维,变成1x100x3,然后相减。这时候第一个矩阵在行上的size只有1,会被copy层成100(不是真正的copy,这儿只是借用copy这个说法),所以第一个矩阵变成100x100x3。同样第一个矩阵1x100x3,也会在它的depth上被copy100次变成100x100x3。

  2. 这样的结果就是初始的100x3的矩阵每一行都会跟这100x3的矩阵相减

  3. 最后得到的结果矩阵是100x100x3。

diff = x0.reshape(100, 1, 3) - x0
(100, 100, 3)
distance = np.square(diff).sum(axis = -1)
i = np.arange(100)
distance[i, i] = np.inf

ind = np.argmin(distance, axis = 1)
[73 22 11 21 21 71 28 28 41 31]


from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
dist_sk, ind_sk = NearestNeighbors().fit(x0).kneighbors(x0, 2)
print(ind_sk[:10, 1])
[73 22 11 21 21 71 28 28 41 31]



  1. Broadcasting
  2. Array Broadcasting in numpy