
Keep Looking, Don't Settle


  1. people skill: 组织,交流,setup vision -> roadmap -> project -> milestone -> metrics, 怎么improve people,怎么evaluate people
  2. 工作努力,但是nobody understand you。会不会too techinical,要understand your audience,更要understand你的audience想要什么,让他们明白80%,在留给他们20%不懂得让他们感兴趣来follow
  3. 有什么事情大胆的讲出来,要升职,还是要加薪。Meagan升职的例子
  4. 大公司还是小公司
  5. 怎么提高自信。
    1. 相互share endorcement, share context, 找伙伴
    2. 找competitor,来跟他们合作
    3. 但是不要自信过头,容易会被排斥
    4. 要自省。不断反省,日积月累
    5. 我们(特别是从中国文化氛围下长大的我们)都是从别人的肯定来获取自信,要尝试改变。怔怔地自信来自于自己的成就感 ...

tmux quick notes


  1. 建立session tmux new -s my_session_name
  2. 建立新窗口 prefix + c # c -> create
  3. list所有窗口,然后选择某个窗口 prefix + w # W -> window,然后0,1,2,3,4选择需要的窗口;
  4. 窗口命名 prefix + , # 逗号
  5. 建立竖直切分,生成左右两个屏幕 Prefix %
  6. 建立水平切分,生成上下两个屏幕 Prefix “


Tmux默认不支持鼠标滚动查看窗口中的前后内容。需要修改配置来支持。 vim ~/.tmux.conf

复制代码# 开启鼠标模式
set-option -g mouse on

# 允许鼠标选择窗格
# set -g mouse-select-pane on# 如果喜欢给窗口自定义命名 ...

2019-07-20 Week 29, nvidia-smi error

nvidia-smi error

The error is (tensorflow_p36) ubuntu@ip-172-31-36-1:~$ nvidia-smi NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running.

This problem can be resolved by installing the (currently) latest version of the Nvidia driver.

  1. create an install ...

2019-06-08 Week 23 Regular Expression to clean data

regular expression example

We have many sql alike code to patch the system. The purpose is to clean the code to do two things: 1) to find what variables are used; 2) to find the value used in the code. That is, transfer to key-value form so that it can ...

2019-06-01 Week 22 Linux bash date time

Shares From Internet

  1. Linux bash date time
export day=2019-06-02
#day=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
sunday_1=$(date -d "$day -$(date -d $day +%w) days" +%Y-%m-%d)  # last sunday include current date
sunday_2=$(date -d "$day -$(date -d $day +%u) days" +%Y-%m-%d)  # last sunday ...