
Keep Looking, Don't Settle

fuzzy string match in python

sometimes we have to match the data by name because there might be issues on the matching id. But when match by name, we might have some issues like: strict word matching will not match "apple iphone" and "iphone apple" as the same, but theyshould be treated as the same in fact. This is an example how to do fuzzy match to solve this kind of question.

An example of the output result: test

import re
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
from fuzzywuzzy import process

test sample data is from

def readdata(datapath):
    f = open(datapath, 'r')
    fr ='\n')
    testdata = []
    for line in fr[1:]:
        if len(line) > 0:
            text = line.split(';')[1].replace('"', '')
            print text
    return testdata

def tslt_spec(x):
    # x1 = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9 \n\.]', '', x)       # replace special char to blank
    x1 = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9 \n]', '', x)           # replace special char to blank
    x2 = re.sub(' +', ' ', x1)                      # multiple blanks to one blank
    x3 = x2.strip()                                 # remove heading/tailing blanks
    x4 = x3.upper()         # remove the tailing numbers if there is, 'SOUTH COAST 9999837411'
    return x4

ls1 = readdata(r'C:\Users\hsong01\Downloads\source1.txt')
ls2 = readdata(r'C:\Users\hsong01\Downloads\source2.txt')
ls1 = [tslt_spec(x) for x in ls1]
ls2 = [tslt_spec(x) for x in ls2]

result = {}
for i in ls2:
        mi = process.extract(i, ls1, limit = 1)
        print 'Target String:-- ' + i.ljust(50) + 'Matched String:-- ' + mi[0][0].ljust(60) + 'match_accuracy:-- ' + str(mi[0][1])
        result[i] = mi
        print i

len([x[0][0] for x in result.values() if x[0][0][1] > 90])